
What is PACE?

cranes_state-collegeThe Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence (PACE) is a collaborative organization of industry innovators, engineering students, and faculty who work together to achieve excellence in the construction industry.

Created by Dr. Victor Sanvido in 1992, the PACE organization facilitates interaction by providing a collaborative forum for addressing industry opportunities and challenges. PACE provides a mechanism to develop funding support for construction education and scholarship. The engagement of PACE is well established in the Construction Program in the Penn State Department of Architectural Engineering. This strong link between education and industry makes it possible to continue to attract the best possible students to the Penn State program.

elec-fab-shop-field-trip-picThrough PACE, students not only learn about industry challenges but also take an active role in generating new ideas and strategies for making improvements. For industry partners, PACE provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and the continuous education of industry professionals. As a mutual benefit, PACE activities provide numerous opportunities for students to learn about partner companies and available employment options. These formal and informal interactions make it possible to align students’ skills and interests with company needs effectively.